
About Propet

From its humble beginnings in 1985 of a salesman, a determined entrepreneur, and a lone warehouse/office assistant, Propét wanted to offer something that the shoe industry lacked: true value for a quality product. Going around the country pushing the product with conviction helped introduce this new brand to the masses.

Today, Propét has grown considerably but the mission remains the same: offer a quality product at a value price. Propét also offers more widths and more sizes in stock and not specially made to order. With that in mind, Propét has developed All-Width Comfort Sizing™ to ensure a precision fit. We’ve encouraged our customers to walk a thousand miles in our shoes.

Busy lifestyles demand great shoes that can stand up to countless daily activities. That’s why we’ve developed so many types of Propét Walking Shoes. No matter what you’re doing or where you’re going in life’s adventure, we have the shoes to take you there.