Foot and Toe exercises.
Now did you know that there are 19 muscle groups in your feet and that 18 of these are connected to your toes? Given how we spend most of our life in footwear it is important to exercise your toes to keep your foot muscles in shape.
Exercise 1 - Bring out your inner ballet dancer!
Toe raise, toe point, toe curl: Hold each position for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Exercise 2 - Squeeeezzzeee those toes!
Toe Squeeze: Place small corks between your toes and squeeze for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Exercise 3 - Go crazy with that rubber band!
Big toe pulls: Place a thick rubber band around both big toes and pull them away from each other, toward the smaller toes. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Exercise 4 - Massage that foot!
The golf ball roll: Roll a golf ball under the ball of your foot for 2 minutes. This is a great massage for the bottom of the foot.
Exercise 5 - Work that rubber band again!
Toe Pulls: Put a thick rubber band around all of your toes and spread them. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Exercise 6 - Mop that floor!
Towel curls: Place a small towel on the floor and curl it toward you, using only your toes. You can increase the resistance by putting a weight on the end of the towel. Relax, then repeat this exercise 5 times.
Exercise 7 - A new version of pick up sticks!
Marble pickup: Place 20 marbles on the floor. Pick up one at a time with your toes and put each marble in a bowl.
Exercise 8 - Let the sand between your toes!
Sand walking: Any chance you get, take off your shoes and walk in the sand at the beach. This not only massages your feet, but strengthens your toes for general foot conditioning.